24 Jul Book Release!
Friends! An Encyclopedia of Radical Helping is on press and available for pre-order from the Thick Press website! Not quite sure how to explain how momentous this feels. It’s not just that I’ve been working on this 512-page publication with the amazing Erin Segal and Julie Chow and over 200 amazing multidisciplinary collaborators for over two years; it’s that we’ve poured our hearts and souls into this world-making project. Because of all the moving parts, the volume was a beast to curate, edit, design, and proofread—and then came the task of coordinating the printing. But WE DID IT, and we are so excited to share the book with the world! Pre-ordered copies should ship out in late October. Stay tuned for sneak peeks (on the Thick Press and my instagram page and their medium page) as well as news about Fall events in LA, Berlin, DC, and more.
From “abundance” to “zinemaking,” An Encyclopedia of Radical Helping invites the reader to wander through a collection of interconnected entries on helping and healing by over 200 contributors from the worlds of social work and family therapy; art and design; body work; organizing; and more. Privileging co-construction over diagnosis, wisdom over evidence, collective healing over individual cure–yet always blurring categories and embracing contradictions–this world-making collection reveals a pluriverse of helping practices grounded in love and freedom.

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